Monday, February 25, 2008

Life Is Not Always In Sunshine

I have three daughters: Evelyn, Evangeline, and Esther and they are 22, 16 and 16 respectively. As you can see, Evangeline and Esther are twins. All three of them are dear and angelic to me, and they love me just as much.

Up to this point you may think: “What a happy life this woman has!” Indeed, God seems to be too good to me: a smooth career, a caring husband and most importantly, three healthy daughters. But just like what Virgil says: “Life is not always in sunshine.” I only come to appreciate what this classical Roman poet says when I discovered two years ago that both Evangeline and Esther are schizophrenic.

The first sign of their illness appeared when we were watching TV in the living room one Sunday afternoon. Esther started to say something like people on television are aiming special messages at her and that her thoughts are being broadcast aloud to others.” I did not take this seriously at first. But her strange behaviours carried on for a few days whereby she became agitated easily at trivial matters and insisted that everyone was conspiring against her. Teachers at her school complained about her inabilities to concentrate in class and the tendency to stay away from other kids. So that was when I started to become worried and I brought her to the doctor straight away.

So at the psychiatry department, I was being asked to recount Esther's recent behaviours and family medical history as Esther for no reason refused to talk to him. As I faithfully answered each and every one of his questions, something ominous struck my mind: my grandfather was schizophrenic!

After that, Esther went through various blood test, urine test, special IQ tests, etc, which really scared me. The results come out that what was troubling Esther all these day was indeed schizophrenia, an undifferentiated type and chronic.

I was devastated. For a few days I could not believe the fact. So I went on to surf the net, hoping that someone out there would have something the opposite to say. I was disappointed and this disappointment became a fear when I came across this video clip while I was researching.

Was this what my little Esther was experiencing right now? All the inner voices and hallucinations and all. I hoped that I could be the one that was suffering all these.

However, misfortunes never come singly.

Maybe it is the kind of mutual affinity and attachment that always exist between twins, half a year later, Evangeline was being diagnosed of schizophrenia as well. Actually I was mentally prepared for this as the doctor which Esther went to had already warned me of this possibility. I told myself it was time to get over my misery. It is unfortunate of my little twins to suffer from such illness before they could have a chance to enjoy all the wonders in life, but I, being their mother, should brace up and make the best out of whatever life has bestowed on them.

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